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EPISODE 2 - WATERCOLOUR for Beginners - 'Creating a Colour Chart'

EPISODE 2 - WATERCOLOUR for Beginners - 'Creating a Colour Chart'

  1. EPISODE 1 - Creating a dilution chart
  2. EPISODE 2 - Creating a Colour Chart
  3. EPISODE 3 - Round Brush Techniques
  4. EPISODE 4  - Flat & Fan Brush Techniques
  5. EPISODE 5 - Glazing Techniques
  6. EPISODE 6 - Masking & Resist Techniques
  7. EPISODE 7 - Creating Watercolour Textures
  8. EPISODE 8 - Creating a Landscape painting in Watercolour

Create a colour chart with your new watercolour pan set or tubes (we have used ART essentials Studio Quality Watercolour Painting Sets)

What could be more satisfying than opening up your new watercolour half pan set! But before you throw away all those tiny little coloured labels make sure you have created your own watercolour chart, noting down the correct name or number or both of each paint!

 Why should I make a colour chart?

 There are a number of reasons why you should make your own colour chart;

  • The printed colour on your label may not match the colour inside your pan or tube. Testing out the colours on paper will provide you with a more accurate and true colour. 
  • Usually with new watercolour sets, a printed out of the colour chart is provided, however the colours may not truly match the pigment in your pans or tubes.
  • If you create a colour chart that fits into your tin this will act as a true reference for you when you are painting outdoors and in your studio.
  • Many of the colours look completely different in their concentrated dried pigment state. Once they have been diluted they may appear lighter or darker.
  • Whilst making a colour chart, you will be able to identify whether the hue is a warm colour or a cold colour.
  • Creating a colour chart will help you to identify the warm or cool variations of the same hue. This will allow you to set aside a warm primary colour palette and a cool primary colour palette.
  • Not all the watercolours will be as translucent as each other. Creating a colour chart will help you identify what colours are transparent, semi transparent, semi opaque or opaque.
  • Creating a colour chart will also help you to check the granulating properties of each colour.
  • Whilst creating a colour chart, it is also advantageous to create a dilution chart. This will act as a reference for future projects and help you to compare the staining strength of each colour. A mixing chart would also help.
  • Lastly, pigments do dry either lighter or darker depending on the pigment, creating a colour chart and annotating the name or number will save time when colour mixing or when glazing colours as you will be able to see the colour shift. Having a good reference will save time for future projects.

Colour Chart

You may even want to create a colour mixing chart, giving versatility to your set by creating new shades within your existing sets.

Products used in this series

ARTdiscount Watercolour Sets

ARTdiscount artists value brushes-Round

ARTdiscount Artists Value Brushes-Flat

ARTdiscount Bristle Brushes- Fan

ARTdiscount Watercolour Paper

ARTdiscount Masking Fluid

Next up is our 'Exploration of Brush Attributes'.

Ellie Jakeman
Ellie Jakeman

I have had a strong interest in the visual and creative arts since a very early age. After completing an Art and Design Degree and Post graduate studies I have taught Art and Design, Fashion and Textiles, Textile design , Fine Art print and Illustration for over 20 years. Before teaching I was a freelance artist and illustrator and decided 4 years ago I would return to freelance and commissioned work. I have created many domestic and commercial murals for hospitals and hospices. I work part time for ARTdiscount as a content creator and product tester.

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