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Rozanna Owston


Rozanna Owston


I'm ex forces, and a wife and mother to two. I work around the children as I home educate them. My work has grown over the years, where I started purely in black and white charcoal and chalk it now has colours added in, I've ventured into human portraits now and again which I always find challenging but have had no complaints yet. My passion is definately animals and trying to capture them in as natural a moment as possible. Looking forward I would like to work on some larger scale pieces but need to make some space for such endeavours.

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I love to use Artists willow charcoal for really getting some depth in the darkness of the pictures. Also Derwents charcoal blocks are great for when I'm working on a larger piece else they wear down fast and become fiddly. Again Derwent charcoal pencils for being able to get into the smaller details of pictures, and I'm often gifted a tin a few times a year so I'm never in short supply.

For my pen work I use sakura micron fineliners in differing thicknesses I find these are excellent for completing people portraits in allowing for the fine texture and shading. Finally wouldn't be without Winsor and Newton spray fixative for my works. 

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