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Barrie-Badger Etter


Barrie-Badger Etter


Barrie (BADGER) Etter - Biography 1974 - 79 Apprenticed as a tinsmith and finished college studies in that period as a draughtsman gaining distinctions. The company I was working for didn't have a place for a draughtsman so was placed in inspection and quality departments. 1980 - 2001 Worked with various companies up and down the country in either inspection or quality department position all in the field of engineering. Year 2000 - It was in this year that I smashed my right ankle in a motorcycle accident and through shear boredom with my leg & foot in a plaster cast that I started sketching, anything in sight except the cast. So, apart from the engineering & design training, I've had absolutely no training in art. Apart from being a self-taught artist, I'm also colourblind, so have to ask for colour direction occasionally, which means I either ask a fellow artist, my wife (non artist) or a stranger passing by.

A selection of work

Favourite Products

 Watercolour and acrylic paints

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