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Artist Interview: Jim Vision

Jim Vision is a London based artist, post modern vandal and painter of large-scale murals and graffiti. His work has taken him across the globe to places like Buenos Aires and Miami, working for the likes of Marvel, Netflix, Google, Disney and Paramount. In 2010 he set up EndoftheLine with his partner Matilda. EndoftheLine is a an ongoing mural production company that brings colourful and creative murals and underground art events to life, inspire positivity and encourage creativity. They believe in transforming the world with powerful and colourful murals and painting the street with art that empowers people and street culture. We had the pleasure of asking a few questions, delving into the heart of mural art!

'You don't have to make Art to show people all the time, some or most of it is part of you development and should be seen as a chance for you to understand your craft.'

Jim Vision

'We saw artists overlooked by the current art system and wanted to create a platform that would support artists from our culture and represent us on a commercial and global scale.'

Jim Vision

Q: How did you enter the field of street art & what is your favourite subject matter to base a mural on?

I have always been an artist and interested in comic books and drawing so it was a natural progression to painting on walls. I moved to London in the early 2000's and was surrounded by street art and graffiti, there was an amazing culture and community forming around the art form and I was able to create a solid career that supported my creativity. Recently I have been trying to master Photorealism with a spraypaint but I have a diverse and different subject matter for most of my paintings, whatever is inspiring me at the time.

Mural for the Mandalorian DisneyPlus ©tcshootme @Jimvision

Q: How does a piece of work begin for you? Can you describe your process?

Usually it starts with some inspiration, something i have an urge to paint that I sketch in my sketchbook and progresses to my ipad where I can add detail, colour and work out composition. Then it's a case of assembling paint and finding a wall to paint.

Q: What influenced you and your partner to start ‘Endoftheline’?

We saw artists overlooked by the current art system and wanted to create a platform that would support artists from our culture and represent us on a commercial and global scale. We organised a series of world class graffiti jams and underground exhibitions and developed emerging artists. We have secured local walls as legal walls to paint for artists of all levels to develop and support a generation of artists with legal space to express themselves.


Q: Why do you buy from ArtDiscount?

We buy large amounts of art materials and ArtDiscount has a great range of art products at realistic and affordable prices. Also someone in the packing department has really good handstyles which is always appreciated.

Q: What project are you currently working on?

We are developing new art practices that will hopefully find a new audience and scratch that creative itch.

Q: WDo you have any advice on how to create a career in art?

The most important advice I could ever give to people looking for a career in Art is to practice as much as possible when you are young. Or just always practice. You will always improve your art skills the more you do it. You don't have to make Art to show people all the time, some or most of it is part of you development and should be seen a s a chance for you to understand your craft. Share your best pieces with the world but don't take too much notice of any negativity. It's always about finding an audience for your work and enjoying the process.

Art meets aviation @jimvision @planereclaimers

Be sure to follow and find out more about Jim Vision and EndOfTheLine:
Instagram: @jimvision
Instagram: @endofthelineldn
Website: www.endoftheline.co

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