Artist Interview: Clémence Guillemaud

Clémence Guillemaud is a French freelance illustrator of whom primarily works with watercolour, as well as gouache and digital illustration, transcribing softness and comfort. Based in Marseille, Clémence works for children’s publishers as well as a range of global brands such as; Uniball, Manor and Adobe.
To kick off the celebrations for world watercolour month this July, we had the pleasure to delve into Clémence's world of watercolour!

'My artwork is very cute, featuring small animals and flowers, creating a whimsical world. However, while I work, I listen to a lot of horror podcasts (creepy urban legends, true crime stories, paranormal investigations), among others.'
Clémence Guillemaud
'The first tip I have for artists who want to start watercolour painting is to use a deep well palette for mixing water and paint. Many people directly take the paint from the well and apply it to the paper, but using a separate palette allows you to control the amount of water and pigment and avoids unpleasant surprises! '
Clémence Guillemaud
Q: We love the cuteness you bring to your artistic style! What inspires your work?
I draw inspiration from the world around us while keeping in mind my childhood memories and what I particularly loved to draw when I was little. With each of my illustrations, I step into the shoes of the child I once was.

Q: What is your favourite thing about working with watercolours?
What I particularly love about watercolour is its ease of application. I'm not sure if it's a reality or if it's because I've been painting with watercolours since my childhood. I also love all the colour variations that can be achieved with watercolour, the gradients, and the transparency effects that can be created.
Q: In your art, you use a variety of methods. Do you see yourself using digital ways to replicate tradition in the future?
I already use digital methods, and I must say it's very convenient and much faster than traditional painting. Moreover, the variety of brushes available today allows for achieving truly traditional painting effects. However, I find that the enjoyment is not quite the same. I will always prefer working with traditional painting, but sometimes, due to time constraints, digital is very useful.
Q: Do you have any advice to artists who are thinking of trying watercolour?
The first tip I have for artists who want to start watercolour painting is to use a deep well palette for mixing water and paint. Many people directly take the paint from the well and apply it to the paper, but using a separate palette allows you to control the amount of water and pigment and avoids unpleasant surprises! It also enables you to mix colours without contaminating your watercolour wells, and once again, it can prevent mishaps (like ending up with a yellow... green, for example! 😂)

Watercolour Process @lagriffedemaho
Q: What are your essentials when working?
Two jars of water for rinsing my brushes, a cloth, a palette, my watercolorus or gouaches, a scrap piece of paper for my trials, a 300g/m2 watercolor paper, and a good podcast!
Q: With having your own shop, do you have any tips and tricks to how to turn your passion into a career?
Not really... just staying true to yourself and doing what you love above all, with passion. Never do something you don't enjoy just to sell. Art store customers seek sincerity; they buy to support an artist because they appreciate their personality. It's important to cherish that and not try to be someone else in order to please.

Example products @lagriffedemaho
Q: Could you tell us some fun facts people may not know about you?
My artwork is very cute, featuring small animals and flowers, creating a whimsical world. However, while I work, I listen to a lot of horror podcasts (creepy urban legends, true crime stories, paranormal investigations), among others. I'm a fan of fantasy worlds and enjoy playing tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons. It's always amusing to think that what I'm drawing is completely opposite to what I'm listening to or watching 😂.
Q: Lastly, Thank you so much for your time and knowledge! We would love to know what you are currently working on/ do you have any exciting future plans in the making?
I have just finished my first children's book, for which I am both the author and the illustrator! I have illustrated books before, but until now, I haven't been the one writing them! So, it's a big milestone for me, and I'm incredibly proud. It will be published (in French initially) in a few months!

Be sure to follow and find out more about Clémence Guillemaud and her brand lagriffedemaho:
Instagram: @lagriffedemaho