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Tamsin Dearing


Tamsin Dearing


Tamsin is a self taught professional artist, who specialises in pencil and pastel portraiture.

With a lifelong love of art, and a fascination with the stories that every face tells, Tamsin prides herself on capturing the unique personality of each subject, with her beautifully realistic style.

The depth in her drawings is created by gradually applying layer upon layer of graphite, to perfectly capture the smoothness of skin or the complexity of hair. A similar technique is used with soft pastels, blending the colours on the page, creating a softness which the medium really lends itself to.

Tamsin exhibits her work in Cornwall, where she lives, and her portraits hang in private collections internationally.

A selection of Tamsin's work

3 Responses

Joy Williams
Joy Williams

March 09, 2022

Hello Tamsin
we met when I booked you for a demonstration in Tavistock over 2 years ago.
I was wondering if you still travelled to do Demonstration.
If so I wondered if youd venture this way again .
Your work is fantastic and the demon remembered as the Most enjoyable. So I was wondering if you would be able to do this for a smaller group in a village just outside Tavistock.on a Wednesday morning.
love to hear from you


March 15, 2019

Tamsin your pastel work and pencil sketching is absolutely amazing. I have never seen such ability done to this very high level using these methods. I would really love to achieve this quality of skill in my work but I guess it just a matter of observation and technique and lots of practice to make it happen.
Kind Regards.


March 15, 2019

exceptional, Tamsin. i doff me cap to you!

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