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Julie Bird


Julie Bird


I loved art as a child and wanted to go to art school but in those days it was not viewed as proper work and my parents were not well off. So I ended up being a mum to my three wonderful children. I challenged my creativeness by making children's clothes, by sewing, knitting and several other crafts along the way. Then many years later when the children had grown up and left home, I was divorced and had to work full time. I took to painting again. This time I could go buy my own paints and equipment.

I was a bit scared of water colour as my first experiences were a mess. So I started with water mixable oils. I wanted to learn portraits. Next I experimented with pastels, and water colours again. Each phase is exciting. In 2011 I entered the local art gallery with three paintings, and won third prize for Chinese Puzzle. Her husband is a Chinese chef. She was thrilled especially since it had been in the local art gallery. One of my first paintings was a meter square which I called the shoe painting. It consists of shoe paintings of many friends and family. It currently hangs in my kitchen.

I moved to Blackpool just over two years ago from Scunthorpe, to work in a care home, which is very demanding and means working shifts. Now I have only three years till I retire and cant wait to have the time to paint more. I have recently being doing online tutorials with Anna Mason. I love her work so much that I have bought both of her books about botanical painting, along with books from other artists.

A selection of Julie's work

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I love looking at the art reference books, there are always books by my favourite artists eg: Geoff Kearsley.

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